Today's Forward Motion [Monday 1st Week of December]


The gaming controller is to play that game I got and to get into gaming. I could set up my PC with my TV as the monitor and play on my TV. And I need to decide if I want to get into the VR games. But that's not going to happen until next year. 

I was thinking last night of jumping into boxing randomly, I think when I officially officially end the Google Ads Course, which I am 9 hours away from doing. 

But today I'm going to apply my knowledge and do the Keyword Research. 

Tomorrow is going to be either more of that, or work on the Electric Health website landing pages, as I think I am 70% there. I want to create another version of the Shop Page that compliments the About Page to show them. And I want to create the mocks for all the other pages so I need to do the Journals Page, and the YouTube Page. So everything is completely complete for them. Which reminds me, I should send them that content checklist right now. 

I haven't been stretching or exercising much at all, or meditating. I've just been very focused on getting things done. The trip to Salida threw me off a bit, which is fine too. It's good to get away and get the new information for my growth. 

I can't wait to have these things off the table. Finishing the EH site will be major. I can't wait for tat to be done in 20 days, it'll be complete. It's going to be a good amount of work to get it done, but I will. I could hire a developer to get a lot of it done. If I could find someone who actually is good at taking a photoshop file and making things look like they are supposed to. It would be great to just unload that entire part of the project after we finish the design aspects this coming week. But I'm just going to do it. 

Which reminds me, on 12/21 she's going to launch it, and I need to have *something* professional ready to show. Honestly, there's just a lot of work I need to do leading up to 12/21 and I don't know how I'm gunna make it all happen. Mixed in with Life Admin as well. 

I remember coming home after college, my dad not being there, it not being the house I grew up in, some other guy living there, my mom brother and him having some kind of dynamic established, and me just feeling like an outsider and unwanted. I had my surgery, which my mom treated me like a nuisance throughout and then she tried to kick me out. I never felt wanted there. I hated Eddie in the house taking over the living room like he always has. 

And then I moved in with my Dad, and his horrible wife, and he eventually kicked me out. Put my stuff out on the street in suitcases when I had nowhere to go in a town I had been in for 3 months.

And so both of my parents have utterly rejected me throughout my life. And taken my love for granted. And I'm tired of it. And I don't really want to love them anymore. 

I remembered last night somehow, I think my mom used to call me a Bitch all the time growing up. She would always say, "It takes two to argue." and would never ever ever ever ever be understanding of anything I ever felt. She was honestly a horrible mom.

And now she's on antidepressants and its been so long and she still has no clue. I told her 3 months ago she was an unloving mother growing up and she told me I was victimizing myself. 

I told my Dad I was still upset with him, and he told me I have to be prepared not to speak about the past and that I actually was the one trying to hurt him.

What the fuck? 

I don't see how relying on them for anything in this life can help me. I don't have anymore time to waste on them. Everything has felt fruitless. 

I want to leave America, and I feel like honestly they can figure it out together. I just need to detach from the situation. I need it to be more on the surface bc that's where they operate from anyway. 

Nothing is ever either of their faults. Ever. 

Today's Purchases:

  • Dry erase markers: $14
  • Gaming controller: $35
  • Dermae Face Lotions: $75


Morning Focus:

This morning I ordered for my environment:

  1. Green sitting bench to hold exercise items
  2. Carpet to go over floor in bedroom and cover up ugly carpet
  3. Menu planner for fridge to get food list out of my head
  4. Dish drying mat so kitchen area looks cleaner
  5. Pumas stone for skin care health
So, I'm almost at the place, as I clear out all the clutter, to just be left with my own self in my space. A much more clean, organized, simplified space. So when I'm in here, my focus can be on my activities for art, music, and other learning in 2021. 

Now I must return back to my goals to finish out the end of 2020, this insane insane year, which is to complete the Electric Health Website and to complete the Google Ads course. 

End of Night: Before CyberMonday is Over
- Udemy Courses
- Picture Frames 
- Biofield Tuning Items

Electric Health:
  • [x] Images (10 minutes)
    • Download decided upon stock imagery
  • About Page (25 minutes)
    • Get proper hexagon images [x]
    • Add in upper page [x]
    • Set hexagons up with new shape and proper layer style [x]
    • Proper Footer and Subscribe Section
  • Biography Pages
    • Create mock of this with what Juliet sent me
  • Learning Center
    • Update with color imagery
  • Get The Book
  • Store
  • Content & Call Agenda
    • Create a content checklist with what is remaining for each page going forward for them to fill out while I complete the development stage. 
    • Post Launch Agenda
      • Get Involved | Events
